Nipple covers are a versatile, discreet solution for preventing visible nipple outlines, offering comfort without the need for a bra. In this complete guide, we’ll explore when to wear nipple covers, why they are used, how to apply them, their types, وأكثر. Let’s explore it together!
What are Silicone Nipple Covers?

Explanation of Nipple Covers
أغطية الحلمة, also referred to as nipple pasties or breast petals, are small adhesive patches designed to cover the nipples and prevent them from showing through clothing.
Available in a range of shapes, sizes, and materials—including silicone, قماش, and foam—nipple covers offer a versatile and discreet solution. They are especially popular among those who want to go braless or wear more revealing outfits while still maintaining a sense of modesty.
Why Do We Use Nipple Covers?
There are several reasons why nipple covers are used. Here are the primary functions and benefits:
- Prevent Nipple Visibility
They provide a discreet way to prevent nipples from showing through clothing. Ideal for clothing made from thin, clingy, or see-through fabrics.
- Comfort and Support Without a Bra
Nipple covers provide light support and coverage without the discomfort of wearing a full bra. Perfect for days when you don’t want the bulk of a traditional bra but still need coverage.
- Seamless Look Under Clothing
Helps maintain a smooth and seamless silhouette. Eliminates the need for underwire or bulky bra cups that might show through clothing.
- Active Wear or Physical Comfort
Nipple covers are often used during exercise or sports for comfort. Helps prevent irritation caused by clothing rubbing against the skin.
Types of غطاء الحلمة من السيليكون
Whether you’re seeking everyday essentials or something special for a big event, the right nipple pasties are essential for feeling confident and secure. Here are three popular styles of nipple pasties to consider.
- غطاء حلمة من السيليكون لرفع الثدي

These nipple covers are available in standard wholesale sizes of 6.5CM, 8سم, 12سم, و 15 سم. لكن, we also offer customization options to suit your preferences, including choices for color, مقاس, شكل, and packaging.
Crafted from thin, ناعم, medical-grade material, they are not only incredibly comfortable but also durable—reusable, قابل للغسل, ضد للماء, ومقاوم للعرق. Their invisible and seamless design ensures they stay discreet under your clothes, making them the perfect accessory for any occasion.
- غطاء حلمة من السيليكون صغير الحجم

The Small Size Silicone Nipple Cover offers the perfect combination of comfort and discretion, making it an ideal choice for those with smaller breasts. With a standard wholesale size of 6.5 سم, these covers can be customized in terms of color, مقاس, شكل, and packaging to suit your specific needs.
Featuring a skin-safe adhesive that won’t irritate, they are both reusable and washable for long-lasting use. Designed for everyday wear, these nipple covers provide seamless coverage that remains virtually invisible under clothing, ensuring a smooth and natural look.
- أرنب رفع غطاء الحلمة

The Rabbit Lifting Nipple Cover is your perfect companion for effortless lift and support, crafted with both versatility and comfort in mind. With an ultra-thin edge of just 0.1 سم, it provides a smooth, breathable fit that remains virtually invisible under clothing.
Plus, its customizable design allows you to trim the length for a perfect fit, ensuring it stays securely in place without shifting or slipping.
In addition to silicone nipple covers, Xinke also has some women’s products such as fabric adhesive bras, bra pads, butt lift panty and bra accessories, إلخ.
When to Wear Nipple Covers
Nipple covers are useful in various situations. Here are some key occasions when they come in handy:
- Under Sheer or Thin Clothing
Prevents visible nipple outlines under thin or sheer fabrics. Ideal for delicate or lightweight clothing that doesn’t support a full bra.
- For Strapless, Backless, or Low-Cut Outfits
Perfect for dresses or tops with no straps or low-cut designs. Provides coverage without visible straps or backbands.
- During Physical Activities or Sports
Prevents chafing and offers comfort during workouts. Ideal for active lifestyles when a bra isn’t necessary or could be uncomfortable.
- When You Want to Avoid Visible Bra Lines
Ensures a smooth, مظهر سلس, especially in tight or form-fitting clothing. Helps maintain an elegant and polished look under more fitted clothes.
- For Sensitive Skin or Allergies
If regular bras irritate, silicone nipple covers can be a hypoallergenic option. A great alternative to traditional bras for those with sensitive skin.
Maintaining Your Nipple Covers

Proper care of your nipple covers can help prolong their lifespan and keep them in excellent condition. Here are some helpful tips for cleaning and washing nipple covers:
Begin by gently peeling the nipple cover off your skin. Take your time to avoid stretching or damaging the adhesive.
قم بتشغيل الماء الفاتر على الجانب اللاصق. Avoid using hot water, as it can break down the adhesive over time.
تنظيف لطيف
ضع كمية صغيرة من الصابون المعتدل, using your fingers, and gently rub the nipple cover. This helps to remove oils and residue without being too abrasive on the material.
شطف مرة أخرى
Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove all soap. Any leftover soap residue can affect the adhesive’s effectiveness.
تجفيف بالهواء
Lay the nipple cover sticky side up on a clean, flat surface. Allow it to air dry completely before storing. تجنب استخدام المناشف, as fibers can stick to the adhesive.
Manufacturing Process of XINKE Silicone Nipple Cover

تشكيل أكياس حمالة الصدر السيليكون
مع شراء مواد ذات جودة عالية, سيتم تصنيع الأكياس من خلال عملية التشكيل الحراري. يؤدي هذا إلى تكوين إطار آمن للسيليكون.
حقن السيليكون
يتم حقن كمية محددة مسبقًا من السيليكون عالي الجودة بدقة في الأكياس المشكلة مسبقًا. يتم تنفيذ ذلك بأقصى قدر من الدقة لضمان الشعور السلس والطبيعي لحمالات الصدر لدينا.
أكياس الختم
يتم إغلاق حواف الأكياس المملوءة بالسيليكون بشكل آمن لتجنب أي تسرب أو إزاحة للسيليكون, الالتزام بتدابير صارمة لمراقبة الجودة.
تشكيل حمالات الصدر
تتضمن عملية الختم تشكيل حمالات الصدر. القوى العاملة الماهرة تضمن تكوين المرغوب فيه, أشكال وأحجام متنوعة, مما يوفر مزيجًا مثاليًا من الراحة والأناقة.
تقليم الحافة
تتم إزالة المواد الزائدة وغير المرغوب فيها عند الحواف بعناية لتوفير لمسة نهائية أنيقة ونظيفة, تعزيز الراحة والجاذبية الجمالية لحمالات الصدر.
أبازيم الختم
يتم شحن العملية لضمان إغلاق آمن, مما يمنح العملاء ملاءمة مثالية وراحة مثالية لارتداء حمالة الصدر طوال اليوم.
تنظيف السطح
تخضع كل قطعة من حمالة الصدر لعملية تنظيف وتعقيم شاملة لضمان نظافتها, آمن, وجاهزة للارتداء.
تنظيف الغراء
The adhesive brushing is performed evenly and precisely over the bra’s inner surface to furnish a natural and seamless look, تقليل أي خطوط مرئية تحت الملابس.
الخبز & لاصقة التثبيت
تضمن عملية التسخين هذه التصاق الغراء بالسطح بشكل مناسب ومعالجته. فهو يضمن أن الغراء يدوم طويلاً وأن حمالات الصدر تصمد أمام اختبار الزمن.
تغطية فيلم واقية
يتم وضع طبقة واقية بدقة على كل حمالة صدر للحفاظ على شكلها وشكلها. يعمل هذا الغطاء كدرع وقائي ضد أي ضرر مادي خارجي.
رقابة جودة
تمر كل حمالة صدر غير مرئية بعد ذلك بمرحلة فحص صارمة, التأكد من أنها تتوافق مع معايير الجودة الصارمة لدينا.
التعبئة والتغليف والختم
يتم تعبئة حمالات الصدر الجاهزة بشكل أنيق في صناديق حصرية تحمل شعار علامتك التجارية, ضمان سلامتهم أثناء النقل.

Why Choose Us

Xinke silicone bras offer innovative design, advanced technology, and superior support for a perfect fit. With a seamless production process and premium materials, Xinke ensures high-quality products and customer satisfaction, helping elevate your brand’s reputation.
مع العديد من الحالات الناجحة تحت حزامنا, لدينا R قادرة&فريق D يتعاون معك, الاستفادة من براءات اختراع التصميم الخاصة بنا لإنشاء حمالات صدر وأغطية حلمات لاصقة مميزة تعكس علامتك التجارية حقًا.
Nipple covers are a practical and versatile solution for anyone looking for discreet and comfortable coverage. By understanding when to wear nipple covers, why they are used, and how to apply them, you can make the most out of this simple yet effective accessory.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك, by knowing what nipple covers are used for and how to care for them, you can enjoy multiple uses and feel confident in any outfit. مع الرعاية المناسبة, nipple covers can become a staple in your wardrobe, providing the comfort and confidence you need all day long.
الأسئلة الشائعة
How many times can you use silicone nipple covers?
High-quality silicone nipple covers can last for 20-30 uses, depending on the material and how they are cared for. Reusable for several days or occasions, making them cost-effective.
Can nipple covers irritate?
With so many nipple covers available, it’s important to choose carefully. Look for ones made from “hypoallergenic materials” to ensure comfort. لكن, if you have sensitive skin, we recommend doing a patch test before use.
Can I use nipple covers when playing sports or working out?
نعم, you can use an nipple cover when running to منع الغضب الحلمة, but sweating may reduce the adhesive effectiveness of the nipple cover. As long as the area is clean and free of oils or sweat when you apply it, it should stay in place.