シンケ, as a leading and innovative brand in the invisble bra manufacturing market, revolutionized the market with a convenient, 軽量, and ultra-thin disposable nipple patch and boob tape design. Offer your customers advanced comfort in countless colors and shapes. Elevate your business with Xinke to meet customers’ needs and preferences.
Explore a wide range of nipple covers and boob tapes that are popular among consumers for your lingerie business.
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評判の良い、国際的に信頼できるブランドとして, 競争力のある製品の利点と卸売価格を提供します, ビジネスが優れた利益率を維持できるようにする.
It is made of a safe adhesive that has passed through MSDS and CA65 without containing hazardous materials.
It is suitable for all body sizes and is easy to apply and remove. プラス, there’s no need for cleaning or maintenance.
With its ultra-thin layer, it is lightweight and breathable, 肌に優しい着用体験を保証します.
The adhesive is strong and long-lasting, 簡単に滑り落ちない, 汗ばむ状況でも, そして洗える.
Merging advanced techniques with your vivid ideas, Xinke ensures high-level disposable nipple covers to achieve perfect personalized products, customizing designs according to your business needs to enhance your brand value.
From material selection to package design, each disposable nipple cover can be manufactured to your satisfaction, ensuring on-time delivery.
Precision at this stage guarantees the perfect shape and size for our disposable nipple covers.
A protective, easy-to-remove cover is attached to the adhesive side of the nipple covers, which can prevent premature sticking and contamination.
耐久性の徹底的なテストを実施します, 摩耗性, 順守, 完全な顧客満足度を確保します
持続可能な絶妙な乳首カバーを提供する, 製品とあなたのブランドアイデンティティの親密さを具体化する控えめなパッケージ.
Xinke でファッションとランジェリーのビジネスを向上させましょう, それは確実に消費者に好印象を与え、売上を伸ばすことができます. お客様の声をご覧ください.