Связаться с нами
Connect with Xinke, your trusted adhesive bra and nipple cover supplier. Reach out for wholesale inquiries, custom orders, and partnership opportunities. We’re here to elevate your business. Contact us today!
How Can Xinke Help?
The Consunlation Team is 24 hours a day online at your service to solve all your problems, such as get a full catalog, a quote and free samples.
*Вся ваша информация уважаема & protected in xinke.

Get E-Catalogs
Explore more invisible bras and accessories and find the perfect one for your business. Or search for the items on the Xinke website.

Get a Free Consultation
Свяжитесь с нашим отделом продаж, чтобы получить ценовое предложение на интересующий вас товар, Горячая рекомендация для вашего рынка, и любая другая информация о клейком бюстгальтере.

Get a Design
Designers is here to help bring your own exclusive bra line to reality. And you can also enjoy a free package design to enhance your brand identity.

Request a Sample
Free samples are in stock and ready to pack and ship within 24 часы. Custom molds or samples are also available with mold fees, but the charges can be deducted in bulk orders.